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Products 2020.03.17

How can you easily find out about Samsung Electro-Mechanics’ products?

How can Samsung Electro-Mechanics quickly and easily purchase its product? What if you desire samples of Samsung Electro-Mechanics’ products?
What if you want a Samsung Electro-Mechanics product certificate? Please use any of Samsung Electro-Mechanics agencies located around the world.
Are you curious as to which agencies are in a specific region? If you click on the below link, you will be able to access various information on agencies, including the agency names, contact information, and website by region.
▶ See Samsung Electro-Mechanics sales partners information(https://www.samsungsem.com/global/support/sales-partners.do


In particular, you can receive speedy responses regarding certificates for specific products if you inquire to the agency from which you purchased your product. 

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