ESG Rating (2023) : A
ESG Rating
Environment, Social, Governance.
Environment |
Social |
Governance |
A |
A+ |
A |
※ Rating Agency - Korea Institute of Corporate Governance and Sustainability
Recommendations under Model Standards
Recommendations under Model Standards
Recommendations under Model Standards, Acceptance, Note.
Recommendations under Model Standards |
Acceptance |
Note |
Adoption of Corporate Governance Charter |
O |
Adoption of Ethics Regulation for Executives |
O |
Public Notification of Adoption of Concentrated Voting |
O |
Announcement through the Home Page |
Board of Directors Composition (More than Half Held by Independent Directors) |
O |
3 Internal Directors, 4 Independent Directors |
Separation of the Representing Director and Chairperson of Board of Directors, or Appointment of Senior Independent Director |
O |
Announcement of Board of Directors Activities, Attendance, and Consent/Dissent to Major Agendas |
O |
Establishment of Director Recommendation Committee |
O |
4 Independent Directors |
Establishment of Compensation Committee |
O |
Establishment of Audit Committee (All Independent Directors) |
O |
3 Independent Directors |
Adoption of Regulations on the Roles and Operation of Board of Directors and Committees |
O |
Damage Compensation Liability Insurance for Directors at the Company’s Expense |
O |
Evaluation of Board of Directors Activities |
X |
Maintenance of Independent Status of Independent Directors |
O |
Certification of Accuracy and Completeness of Financial Reports by the Representing Director and Financial Personnel |
O |
Explanation on the Differences with Model Corporate Governance Standards |
O |
Announcement (in Korean and English) of Audit Reports and Other Crucial Notices |
O |
- Corporate Governance Documents
- Corporate Governance Charter